For your outdoor explorations, you’ll need these items: bug spray, anti-itch cream, hat, scarf, and mittens (winter), wide-brimmed hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses (summer), weather-appropriate footwear (boots, sneakers, and sandals), weather-appropriate jacket, binoculars, beach towels, water bottles, compass/GPS, and insect repellent.
If you plan to camp, bring an air mattress, waterproof sheets, cutlery/dishes, camping stove, sleeping bags, flashlight, lighter, tent, umbrella, cooler, Swiss Army knife, and corkscrew.
Consider the following gear, depending on your children's ages: baby carrier, bibs, changing pad, pull-ups and/or diapers, diaper ointment, sippy cup or bottles, car seat, wipes, food and snacks, extra clothes, formula, juice, toys, travel stroller, baby food, child’s toilet seat, blankets, nursing pads, and a portable highchair or booster seat.