When visiting any new place, it is always nice to get your bearings before you arrive. On the Tuft's University website, you will find an interactive map that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the campus before you arrive.
There are two convenient parking areas for campus visitors; Dowling Hall Garage located at 419 Boston Avenue and Cousens Parking Lot located at 161 College Avenue. Both parking areas only accept credit card payment and cost $8 per day.
The University shuttle service has convenient routes that run between the Medford campus, Davis Square, Fenway Campus, and downtown. Not having to drive to Boston will significantly improve your experience.
Tufts University comprises ten separate schools of study. To offer prospective students the most rewarding campus visit the school provides a variety of tours and information sessions. Online registration is available for their General Information Sessions/Campus Tours, Transfer Question and Answer Sessions, Athletic Tours, Engineering Information Sessions, Engineering Campus Tours, Arts Information Sessions, and Class Visits.